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Diversity Australia Blog

Preserving Cultural Heritage: Safeguarding Australia’s True Voice and Diversity

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Multiple Passports

Australia, a nation celebrated for its multicultural identity and inclusive values, stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures. In this light, the right of all Australians to retain their cultural heritage and dual citizenship is not just a matter of personal choice, but a fundamental tenet of a society that champions diversity and the richness it brings. The practice of forcing individuals to relinquish their ancestral citizenship in favor of Australian naturalization can be seen as discriminatory, erasing a vital part of Australia’s tapestry and potentially silencing the nation’s true voice.  We are many cultures and no one culture should be more important that the other.

The Cultural Mosaic and True Diversity
Australia’s strength lies in its ability to harmonize various cultures, languages, traditions, and perspectives. The concept of diversity encompasses much more than mere coexistence; it involves the mutual respect and recognition of each community’s heritage. By allowing individuals to retain their cultural heritage and dual citizenship, Australia acknowledges the importance of these various threads that collectively weave the nation’s fabric. When a society fosters an environment where individuals can embrace their roots while contributing to the national identity, it stands to gain a richer, more authentic diversity that reflects the genuine essence of Australia.

Challenging Discrimination Through Inclusivity
The notion of requiring individuals to choose between their Australian citizenship and their ancestral heritage raises concerns about discrimination. Such a practice can disproportionately affect those from minority groups, potentially placing them in an uncomfortable position where they must sacrifice a significant part of their identity. By respecting and allowing dual citizenship, Australia upholds its commitment to inclusivity and equal rights, sending a powerful message that discrimination has no place in its multicultural landscape. This inclusivity is not just about protecting individuals’ rights, but also about enriching the nation by embracing the multifaceted cultural contributions of its citizens.

A Loss of True Voice and Perspective
The silencing of cultural heritage through enforced naturalization has the potential to diminish the diversity of perspectives that Australia holds dear. Each individual’s heritage contributes a unique viewpoint, offering fresh insights, creative ideas, and alternative approaches to problem-solving. A nation that values diversity values these differences in perspective, understanding that they collectively contribute to a more comprehensive and well-rounded national dialogue. When citizens are able to embrace their heritage alongside their Australian identity, they bring authenticity to the discourse and ensure that Australia’s true voice is heard.

Nurturing Cultural Continuity and Understanding
The ability to pass on cultural traditions and heritage to the next generation is a cornerstone of cultural continuity. By allowing families to retain dual citizenship, Australia supports the intergenerational transmission of cultural knowledge and values. This continuity not only preserves ancestral traditions but also fosters a deeper understanding of the world by exposing children to multiple perspectives from an early age. This early exposure can contribute to the cultivation of empathy, respect, and open-mindedness, qualities that are essential in a society that aspires to be truly inclusive.

Embracing Dual Citizenship: A Path to a Stronger Australia
The debate surrounding the right of Australians to retain their cultural heritage and dual citizenship is not just about individual rights, but about the very soul of Australia as a multicultural nation. By allowing individuals to maintain their connections to their ancestral countries, Australia celebrates its diversity, challenges discrimination, and amplifies the authentic voices that contribute to its national discourse.

A nation’s true strength lies in the variety of perspectives it can draw upon, and by safeguarding dual citizenship, Australia secures its place as a vibrant and inclusive society that thrives on its rich cultural mosaic.

Steven Asnicar, CEO of Diversity Australia

Steven Asnicar

Steven leads the Diversity Australia Consulting business in Australia and New Zealand and is an active Leader in the Asia Pacific region.

With a senior executive career spanning 25 years in corporate as a Director and Chief Executive, consulting and executive search specialist, Steven founded and led a successful specialist leadership development and assessment firm in Asia Pacific for 18 years prior to founding Diversity Australia.

Steven is a highly experienced Executive and Coach, working with Boards, individuals and teams at the C-Suite level. He also advises clients on leadership development, succession planning and executive assessment. As an innate entrepreneur, Steven brings an innovative, data informed approach to co-create impactful yet pragmatic client solutions.

Steven earned a Masters of International Business specialising in Human Capital Management through Bond University, a Graduate Certificate of Corporate Management through Deakin and a Bachelor of Business through UQ. He is a is a graduate of the Global Institute of Directors, a qualified RABQSA Auditor, and is a thought leader on executive diversity, equity and inclusion, with over 26,000 followers on his LinkedIn profile,

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About Diversity Australia: Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.

About Diversity Australia:

Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.
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