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Diversity Australia Blog

Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace – An Employer’s Guide

Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace – An Employer’s Guide

Can you imagine a workplace where employees dread coming to work each day, not because of the tasks at hand, but due to the psychological toll their job takes on them?Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common in today's fast-paced, high-pressure work...

Free and Equal Conference  – Sisonke Msimang  Speaker

Free and Equal Conference – Sisonke Msimang Speaker

We are proud to have one of our Diversity Australia team at the 2024 Free and Equal Conference as a speaker.  Free + Equal Human Rights Conference | Australian Human Rights Commission Sisonke Msimang is a distinguished facilitator and communications expert dedicated...

National Sorry Day – 26 May

National Sorry Day – 26 May

National Sorry Day acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities. In Australia, the 26 May commemorates the Stolen Generations, and is an opportunity to pay respect to...

Managing a Busy Workload

Managing a Busy Workload

If your list of work tasks is becoming longer and longer – you’re not alone. Rushing between meetings, new requests coming in daily and a constant ping as emails filter through your inbox can be overwhelming.   Managing your schedule is important to ensure you are...

Employee Volunteering Programs

Employee Volunteering Programs

It might mean your team are out of the office, and away from their tasks for the day – but the benefits of corporate volunteering are far reaching. Not only do volunteering programs benefit your employees, and your company, the wider community wins too. Corporate...

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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