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Membership Logo

Using Our Logo And Branding

As a member of Diversity Australia, we’d love for you to include our logo on your website and emails.

Diversity Australia’s logo is available for use by all members.

These logos are designed to help your organisation accurately and effectively promote Diversity Australia Membership via your website, social media, and other printed publications and your Annual Report.

Diversity Australia Members can maximise the value gained from their membership by making use of the Member logo, along with a statement of commitment to the high standards of organisational integrity and accountability embodied in the your Codes of Conduct, on their promotional materials.

There are four main ways in which your organisation can promote your membership of Diversity Australia via the logo. These include:

  • Your organisation’s website;
  • Your organisation’s Annual Report;
  • Your organisation’s Facebook page;
  • Other publications (newsletters, fundraising materials etc.)

If you have any further questions about using these logos, please email our Membership & Stakeholder Engagement Lead here.

The Diversity Australia Member brand-mark has been created specifically for Diversity Australia members to use when communicating to the public and other stakeholders.

It is available in various formats, below.

Simply choose your logo below, right click and ‘Save As’ to download.

To add a link to your logo, please use

Member Logo – Colour

Right Click on image to download

Member Logo – Monochrome

Right Click on image to download

Member Logo – White

Right Click on image to download

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

For information on Services or Programs contact us below!

Corporate Offices


For All Enquiries

Phone:  07 3118 6166
Email:  Click To Email Us

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