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Diversity Australia Blog

The Intersection of Psychological Safety and the Right to Disconnect in the Workplace

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In an era where work-life balance is increasingly becoming a critical factor in employee well-being and productivity, the concept of psychological safety at work has taken center stage. This notion is further reinforced by legislative advancements, such as the proposed Closing Loopholes No 2 Bill, which underscores the importance of establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life. This legislation, which has successfully passed the Senate, introduces a right for workers to disconnect from “unreasonable” out-of-hours contact from employers, a move that significantly intersects with the principles of psychological safety in the workplace.

Psychological safety, a term coined by Amy Edmondson, refers to an individual’s perception of the consequences of taking an interpersonal risk. In a work environment, it pertains to the belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. The right to disconnect directly contributes to this sense of safety, as it sets a precedent for respecting personal boundaries and acknowledging the human aspect of employees, beyond their professional roles.

The Closing Loopholes No 2 Bill aims to protect employees from the invasion of their personal time by work-related demands, thereby fostering a culture where individuals feel respected and valued not just for their output but also for their well-being. Under the proposal, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) would have the authority to issue stop orders against employers who engage in “unreasonable” contact outside of working hours, akin to the existing stop bullying and stop sexual harassment orders. This legislative approach acknowledges the diverse circumstances of workers, including their family responsibilities and personal well-being, and integrates these considerations into the determination of what constitutes “unreasonable” contact.

Several factors will be taken into account by the FWC to determine the reasonableness of out-of-hours contact, including the nature of the contact, its frequency and method, the employee’s remuneration, role and responsibilities, and their personal circumstances. This comprehensive approach ensures that the legislation is adaptable and sensitive to the varied contexts in which modern work occurs.

The introduction of civil remedies for breaches of stop orders underlines the seriousness with which the issue is being treated. It sends a clear message to employers about the necessity of respecting employees’ right to disconnect, thereby contributing to a psychologically safe work environment where employees feel secure in setting boundaries without fear of retribution.

This legislative move is a significant step forward in recognizing and formalizing the importance of psychological safety in the workplace. By legally establishing employees’ right to disconnect, it underscores the need for a healthy work-life balance and the recognition of employees as whole individuals with lives outside of work. This not only benefits the employees by reducing stress and preventing burnout but also benefits employers by fostering a more engaged, satisfied, and productive workforce.

The Closing Loopholes No 2 Bill represents a pivotal intersection between the legislative framework and the psychological well-being of workers. By providing a legal basis for employees to disconnect from work outside of reasonable hours, it reinforces the importance of psychological safety, acknowledging that a safe, respectful, and boundary-conscious work environment is essential for the overall health of both individuals and organizations. As we move forward, it will be interesting to observe how this legislation influences workplace cultures and the broader dialogue around work-life balance and employee well-being. Home – Psychological Safety at Work Program (

Steven Asnicar, CEO of Diversity Australia

Steven Asnicar

Steven leads the Diversity Australia Consulting business in Australia and New Zealand and is an active Leader in the Asia Pacific region.

With a senior executive career spanning 25 years in corporate as a Director and Chief Executive, consulting and executive search specialist, Steven founded and led a successful specialist leadership development and assessment firm in Asia Pacific for 18 years prior to founding Diversity Australia.

Steven is a highly experienced Executive and Coach, working with Boards, individuals and teams at the C-Suite level. He also advises clients on leadership development, succession planning and executive assessment. As an innate entrepreneur, Steven brings an innovative, data informed approach to co-create impactful yet pragmatic client solutions.

Steven earned a Masters of International Business specialising in Human Capital Management through Bond University, a Graduate Certificate of Corporate Management through Deakin and a Bachelor of Business through UQ. He is a is a graduate of the Global Institute of Directors, a qualified RABQSA Auditor, and is a thought leader on executive diversity, equity and inclusion, with over 26,000 followers on his LinkedIn profile,

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About Diversity Australia: Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.

About Diversity Australia:

Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.
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