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Diversity Australia Blog

Australia’s Student Debt Crisis: A Tale of Missed Opportunities and International Embarrassment

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Student with debt ball and chain

We wonder why we don’t have enough Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Engineers and Police and so many more skills and careers we can’t encourage our kids to take up.  In a nation known for its boundless natural beauty and a rich tapestry of cultures, Australia has a dark secret, a glaring injustice that continues to loom over the heads of its brightest and most ambitious citizens – the burden of student loans. While the world watches Australia rise as a global economic force, it’s crucial to dissect the hidden cost that future generations will pay for a flawed educational financing system.

In a world where knowledge is the key to progress and success, Australia’s approach to higher education has become an international embarrassment, undermining its potential for economic prosperity and leaving a legacy of crippling debt for future generations. While other nations, including the paragon of success, Switzerland, recognize the importance of free education as an investment in the future, Australia has opted for a shortsighted, profit-driven model that shackles its graduates with student loans.

Switzerland, known for its precision and excellence, understands the true value of education. In Switzerland and many other best-practice countries, higher education is accessible and affordable, if not entirely free. They recognize that an educated workforce is the cornerstone of a thriving economy. Meanwhile, Australia’s high levels of student loan debt have become an albatross around the necks of its graduates, severely hampering their ability to save, invest, and contribute to the nation’s economic growth.

Australia’s insistence on treating education as a commodity rather than a fundamental right is not only regressive but also fiscally unsound. While the Australian government rakes in billions from student loans, it conveniently ignores the fact that this short-term financial gain comes at the long-term expense of the country’s economic stability. The immense burden placed on graduates stifles their ability to innovate, invest, and fully participate in the economy, all of which are essential components of national success.

Let’s take a moment to look at Switzerland, a nation that has cracked the code to economic success. In Switzerland, education is a top priority, and it’s practically free, ensuring that every Swiss citizen, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has an equal opportunity to pursue higher education. This investment in human capital has paid off in spades, with Switzerland consistently ranked as one of the wealthiest and most competitive countries globally.

The comparison between Australia and Switzerland is a stark one. Australia, driven by a misguided profit motive, loads its graduates with insurmountable student loan debt, creating a generation of young professionals who are more focused on paying off loans than pursuing their passions, starting businesses, or contributing to innovation.

In Switzerland, graduates are free to explore their potential, create startups, and participate fully in the economy from day one. In Australia, the shackles of student debt hang heavily, effectively stifling dreams and delaying the development of a skilled and competitive workforce.

Australia’s shortsighted approach to education financing is not just a disservice to its youth; it’s a disservice to its entire population and its future generations. It’s time for Australia to take a page from the playbook of best-practice countries like Switzerland, where education is a right, not a privilege. Investing in its people is the surest path to a prosperous future, and it’s time Australia realized that the true cost of student loans is not only measured in dollars but in the lost potential and stifled progress of its citizens and the nation as a whole.

Steven Asnicar, CEO of Diversity Australia

Steven Asnicar

Steven leads the Diversity Australia Consulting business in Australia and New Zealand and is an active Leader in the Asia Pacific region.

With a senior executive career spanning 25 years in corporate as a Director and Chief Executive, consulting and executive search specialist, Steven founded and led a successful specialist leadership development and assessment firm in Asia Pacific for 18 years prior to founding Diversity Australia.

Steven is a highly experienced Executive and Coach, working with Boards, individuals and teams at the C-Suite level. He also advises clients on leadership development, succession planning and executive assessment. As an innate entrepreneur, Steven brings an innovative, data informed approach to co-create impactful yet pragmatic client solutions.

Steven earned a Masters of International Business specialising in Human Capital Management through Bond University, a Graduate Certificate of Corporate Management through Deakin and a Bachelor of Business through UQ. He is a is a graduate of the Global Institute of Directors, a qualified RABQSA Auditor, and is a thought leader on executive diversity, equity and inclusion, with over 26,000 followers on his LinkedIn profile,

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About Diversity Australia: Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.

About Diversity Australia:

Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.
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