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Diversity Australia Blog

Neuro- Inclusion

Neuro- Inclusion

Neurodivergent individuals’ brains learn, behave or process differently from what we might consider ‘typical’. And we know this brings real benefit to the workplace.  Teams that include neurodivergent people are known to be more productive, creative and innovative, be...

5 areas to focus on in your New Role

5 areas to focus on in your New Role

It’s estimated that most people will average between 12 and 16 jobs in their lifetime.  Although we may have started a new role several times before, it can still bring up a flood of emotions.  You might be jumping from excitement to anxiousness as you prepare to...

Integrity. Why it’s important for your workplace.

Integrity. Why it’s important for your workplace.

Being honest, ethical, moral and trustworthy might pop to mind when you think of someone who upholds integrity in how they interact with others, and the world around them.  Decisions and actions based on values, not personal gain is the corner stone of living with...

Resilient Individuals = Resilient Workplaces

Resilient Individuals = Resilient Workplaces

Our world, and our workplaces are changing rapidly. In the past, we may have attributed career success to intelligence, or hard work. However, success and workplace wellbeing rely on the ability to cope, and even thrive during stressful times. Resilience in the...

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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